Tom Fielding Golf School is a ONE-STOPservice provider for all your golf improvement needs. Lessons are professionally conducted by our dedicated and highly qualified and certified PGA golf professionals. Tom Fielding Golf School offers the complete education package with customized training programs for golfers of all levels who aspire to STEP UP to the next level and full fill their golfing potential to achieve their goals.
Mission Statement:
To provide a progressive training program that will enable each student irrespective of skill level to acquire, develop and sustain the necessary knowledge and skills to play the game of golf effectively at a competitive level.
Teaching Philosophy - Set up for Impact.
Our These preferences are the framework from which we operate and they generally relate to simplifying and minimizing motion and direction.
Our philosophy is to treat each pupil on an individual basis. How each pupil is approached is dependent on many factors such as age, ability, goals, contact, ball flight, frequency of practice, the pupil’s own concepts and so on. The solutions to each pupil’s problems are arrived at based on all these factors and our experience of what generally works, sometimes works and what never works in fixing swing patterns and ball flight.
Our Preferences –
Set Up
We simply believe that by setting up with the correct body angles and by maintaining these angles throughout, returning the club back to impact is a simple process. This is the key to building a consistently powerful and accurate swing. Impact back!! Set up the body to resemble the impact shape and move your body within this shape We talk about getting posture right at start and moving around that body shape or changing inside the body shape on the backswing.
Good posture and going around that shape means that you won’t need a compensating move in your transition to get your posture back into a hitting position – you’re always in it.
We get our students, to use a mirror and practice their set up and motion while watching themselves – in this way you are depending on a look not a feel. Feels only work in the short term because they are relative to what it felt like yesterday or last week. The look lasts in the mid to long
The posture of the body is critical at set up – poor body angles and positions go a long way to creating most of the problems we see. The posture approximates the angles of a good impact position (without the rotation of an actual swing). It allows the arms to hang freely and if the sequence of motion and swing radius are correct you can get the look of a turn and a weight shift without overturn or lateral motion – both of which generally cause problems with wrist angles, shaft plane, club face angles and complex match up moves on the downswing.
Swing Radius / Wrist Angles
Increasing the radius of the swing is one of the biggest problems we see. Extension directly and negatively affects wrist angles, arm positions, shoulder angles, head angle, direction of weight shift, shaft plane, club face angles – creating a series of changes that have to be compensated for in the downswing.
Weight Shift
We prefer weight shift to move around the spine angles established at our preferred address position, not a lateral motion on the backswing. Lateral weight shift, be it with over active knees and feet, hips or the whole body has huge and normally poor effects on arm, shaft and wrist positions in the backswing and again it requires complex matching moves in the downswing.
Maybe the most misunderstood concept in the game. Our preference is for the arms to pull the body around a maintained spine angle established by a good address position. A large range of motion is available from the shoulder joints separate to your torso. The look of a 90 degree turn can be accomplished with less than half that at your sternum.