Tom Fielding's Golf School 2 night / 3 day Intensive Golf Camp. @ The Katsura Golf Club IN HOKKAIDO
2 Nights 3 days of short-term Intensive program for those who want to work on their game
Most golfers waste more strokes within 100 yards of the hole than anywhere else. If you really want to lower your scores, the best place to start is one of my comprehensive short game schools / golf camps taught by Australian PGA AAA rated golf instructor, Australian Golf Magazine Top 50 Teacher, Tom Fielding. Each days sessions cover chipping, green side pitch shots, distance wedge shots, sand play, putting technique and green reading skills. Each day will also include either 9 holes or 18 holes to test out their newly improved short game skills.Tom will clearly and concisely explain the necessary technique for success in each of these critical scoring areas along with the best training methods to keep you improving after the school ends.
"Designed for those golfers who wants to experience a short-term (3 days and 2 nights) intensive Golf Improvement Program"
3 days / 2 night golf camp @ Katsura GC, Hokkaido Prefecture.
Katsura CC Golf Camp 2025年05月 Currently recruiting participants 参加者募集!!
May 2025 golf camp in Hokkaido 3 Day Intensive Golf Camp in Hokkaido May 18th ~20th トムフィールディング・ゴルフスクール夏合宿 in 北海道 2025年5月18日〜20日(三日間連続)
Click on the following links to scroll down the page
募集人数: 6名様(先着順)/ ※The deadline occurs as soon as the capacity is reached.
Location:KATSURA GC・Tomakomai-city, Hokkaido prefecture Target audience:From beginners to Single handicaps (Adults & Juniors) Recruitment numbers: Limited to 6 persons (First-come-first-served basis)
Day 1: 18日 桂ゴルフクラブ: 午後スタート(キャディ付徒歩プレー*)・スタート時間未定
Day 2: 19日 桂ゴルフクラブ: 午後スタート(キャディ付徒歩プレー*)・スタート時間未定
Day 3: 20日 桂ゴルフクラブ: 午前中スタート(キャディ付徒歩プレー*)・スタート時間未定
宿泊先: 千歳市の中にあるホテル(2や3泊)宿泊場所を確保することは 、あなた自 身の責務ですが、このリンクは、北海道の千歳の宿泊場所探しに関する援助を、前もって予約する際に役立ちます。 Although it is your responsibility to secure a hotel (2 or 3 nights) accommodation within Chitose City, this link will help you book in advance for assistance in finding accommodation in Chitose, Hokkaido.
———————————————————————– ■Schedule: May 18 (Sun) to May 20th (Tuesday) ———————————————————————– ■ Fee: The Full 3 Day/2 Night golf camp plan 139,000 yen (including tax)
If you cancel after this date, half of the participation fee will be charged as a cancellation fee. If you cancel after May 5th (Monday), you will be charged the full participation fee as a cancellation fee.
Cancel up to 3 weeks prior to the event(1人3千円)
参加費については14日前まで100%返金いたします。 13日前から8日前までは参加費の80%返金いたします。 尚7日前からは参加費の50%の返金になりますのでご了承下さい。 ※Cancellation Policy Cancellation policy Participation fees will be 100% refunded up to 14 days in advance. 80% of the participation fee will be refunded from 13 days to 8 days before the event. Please note that 50% of the participation fee will be refunded from 7 days before the event. Cancel with out any notification(Entry fee の100%) Cancel on the day of the event(Entry feeの100%)
※ The schedule may change depending on the weather. Please invite your friends to join us on this occasion. Inquiry information ※ Please apply as soon as possible because there is a limit on the number of people.
09:00am: 桂GCまたはご指定のホテルまでシャトルバスまたはタクシーでの送迎(Shuttle bus / taxi to the Katsura GC or your designated Hotel in the Chitose area).
09:30am – Meet and greet at the Katsura Golf Club to prepare for 2 hour training program #1 at the Katsura Golf Garden practice facilities / 練習場にて各自ウォーミングアップ
11:30am – Go to lunch
12:30pm – Start time 18-hole play through style round lesson (6 to 9 holes per group)・午後: プロとのラウンドレッスンは1組4~5ホール程度です。
17:00pm – Round completed, prepare for immediate transfer to your respective hotels
17:30pm - Conclusion of day Transfer to your designated hotel for check in and freshen up, take a bath, Free time. / 送迎車にてホテルへ
19:00: Dinner. (Location to be determined on the day)
20:00: Relax in your room
【Accommodation plan: Chitose city hotel】/ ホテル千歳泊
2025年5月19日 (Day #2 Monday)
07:00: Breakfast in Hotel Cafeteria / ホテルにてカフェテリアにて朝食
08:30: Transfer to the Katsura GC for Practice fairway/short course. Training program #2. /送迎車にて 桂ゴルフ倶楽部に移動
09:00: Arrive golf club and use club bus to transfer to the Golf Garden (range and short course): / レンジ/ショートコースにてウォーミングアップ、ゴルフクリニック
11:30: Lunch / ランチ
12:30: Start time for18 hole Round lesson / 午後 アウトカインのコースにて18ホールラウンドレッスンを開始。・プロとのラウンドレッスンは1組4~5ホール程度です。
Round style specified in the schedule is a walking round with a caddy. The passenger cart is optional. Please make a reservation in advance. プレースタイルはキャディ付徒歩ラウンドです。乗用カートはオプションです。事前にご予約ください。乗用カートのための費用は別途ですので、お客様の 負担 となります。 乗用カートについてですが、2名乗りカート(コース内乗り入れ可能) 1台 7.920円(税込)
17:30: Conclusion of day, return to hotel to freshen up, take a bath / Free time / ゴルフプレー終了。解散時間, ホテルに帰る・お風呂入浴・自由時間
19:30: Dinner. (Location to be determined on the day) / ホテルにてディナー
21:00: Return to hotel / Relax in your room. / ~お部屋でくつろぎタイム / ご就
2025年5月20日 (Day #3 Tuesday)
07:00: Breakfast in Hotel Cafeteria / ホテル1Fカフェテリアにて朝食 // Option for and early check out in the event you are taking a evening flight back to Home destination
08:30: Transfer from hotel to the Katsura GC / 桂ゴルフ倶楽部に移動
09:00: Practice fairway/short course. Training program. / Pre golf game warm up and swing video assessment / /送迎車にて 桂ゴルフ倶楽部に移動 / レンジ/ショートコースにてウォーミングアップ、ゴルフクリニック
11:30: Lunch. / ランチ
13:00: Start time for18 hole Round lesson / 午後: アウトカインのコースにて18ホールラウンドレッスンを開始。・プロとのラウンドレッスンは1組4~5ホール程度です。
17:30: Conclusion of day, prepare for return flight trip home.
Round style specified in the schedule is a walking round with a caddy. The passenger cart is optional. Please make a reservation in advance. プレースタイルはキャディ付徒歩ラウンドです。乗用カートはオプションです。事前にご予約ください。乗用カートのための費用は別途ですので、お客様の 負担 となります。 乗用カートについてですが、2名乗りカート(コース内乗り入れ可能) 1台 7.920円(税込)
SIGN UP FORM / エントリーフォーム
On behalf of us at the Tom Fielding Golf School, Japan, I would like to offer warmest thanks for your continued patronage, & best wishes for your continued success. I wish you all the best. In Tom Fielding Golf School Tsuru CC Lesson, The Golf Training Camp will be held for 3 days from May 26 (Mon) to 28 (Wednesday). This golf camp in May also offers program options. For example;
The Full 3 days / 2 nights
2 days / 1 night
One full day
How to Enter
Please fill out the entry form to right of the page and press the"Submit"button to enter your entry. At a later date, we will contact you by e-mail with our bank account number and other information. We will contact you by e-mail with our account number of the bank transfer to which you have entered your e-mail address at a later date. Once the transfer is completed and payment is confirmed on the secretariat side, the entry is complete. Once we have received your payment, you will receive an “acceptance completed” email. Depending on the time of entry, it may take 2-3 days for the email to arrive. If you do not receive the e-mail after 4 days or more, please contact the secretariat listed in the e-mail.
■How to book We accept your contact by either e-mail or telephone. Email: [email protected] Mobile: 090 6709 1728 ■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□ トム・フィールディング ゴルフスクール TEL:090 6709 1728 E-mail: [email protected] Australian PGA Certified Teaching Professional Golfer.: Coach Tom Fielding