トムフィールディイング ゴルフスクール Tom Fielding Golf School Japan SUMMER TIME Golf Camp Event in HOKKAIDO prefecture, Japan.
開催日:2025年8月??日(月)〜??日(金) ※雨天決行 開催場所 :桂ゴルフ倶楽部 〒059-1365 北海道苫小牧市植苗577-1 Event Date: 2025年8月??日(月)〜??日(金) Location: Katsura Golf Club 〒059-1365 577-1 Uenae, Tomakomai-shi, Hokkaido 5 day Golf training camp 2, 3, 4 and 5 day camp options are also available email:[email protected]
Golf Camp Schedule: 2024年8月05日(Monday) Day #1 Itinerary Depart Tokyo and travel by plane to the New Chitose Airport,Hokkaido. Then transfer to the hotel that you have reserved. (Hotel check in usually from 3pm) Store your luggage then make you way to the Katsura GC for a golf camp meeting and light meal at 11am.
レンジにてウォーミングアップ、スイング動画撮影 / warm up / Swing check at the driving range.
______________________________________________________________ 2024年8月06日(Tuesday) ~ 2021年8月09日(Friday) Day #2 to Day #5 Itinerary - Daily Schedule / 1日の流れとしては、
07:00時: Breakfast at the Hotel restaurant / ホテルにてカフェテリアにて朝食
08:30時:Transfer to the Katsura GC / 桂ゴルフ倶楽部に移動
09:00時: Pre golf game warm up / レンジ/ショートコースにてウォーミングアップ、ゴルフクリニックとスイング動画撮影を行う
11:30時:Lunch break / ランチ
13:00時: Start time for Round #1 / アウトカインのコースにて18ホールラウンドレッスンを開始。
17:30時: Conclusion of days golf play and training schedule / ゴルフプレー終了。 解散時間
17:45時: Return to hotel to freshen up / take a both etc/ Free time / ホテルに帰る・お風呂入浴・自由時間
19:30時: Dinner in the Resort (Location to be determined on the day) / ホテルにてディナー
21:00時: ~Relax in your room / お部屋でくつろぎタイム / ご就
______________________________________________________________ 2020年8月10日(Saturday) Day #6 Itinerary
08:00: Breakfast in Hotel / ~ホテル1Fカフェテリアにて朝食
10:00: Check out by 10am / 10:00時までーチェックアウト
Transfer from hotel to Chitose Airport by shuttle bus or taxi for return flight to Tokyo / 新千歳空港ターミナルまでの車・タクシー送迎 / 飛行機で東京に戻
___________________ Regarding the lesson program: Participating in part or all is optional.
Putting Lesson program / パッティングのレッスンプログラム。
Approach lesson program / アプローチレッスンプログラム
In the swing check intensive course (guidance on posture, technology, body, mental, strategy) / , スイングチェック集中講習で(ポスチャー、技術、身体、メンタル、戦略について指導)
Bunker lesson program / ブンカ―レッスンプログラム
On course training program / ラウンドレッスンと
18 hole course lesson for skill up implementation. / 18ホールコース スキルアップラウンドレッスン実施。
(Course strategy, How to attack the hall, Tee shot position, Shot from inclination, Bunker shot etc) / (コース戦略、ホールの攻め方、ティーショット位置、傾斜からのショット、バンカーショットなど)
★Video diagnosis to contrast the before and after effect of the lesson execution / ビデオ診断を行いながらレッスン実施、前後対比をします。 ★We will send a report to all the participants at a later date. / 後日、参加者全員にレポートをお送りします。
Golf camp fee - 5 days / 5 nights
August ??th (Monday) - August ??th (Friday) 2025. 5 days and 5 nights, with a round of golf every day.
日程:2024年8月??日(月)~??日(金) 5泊5日5ラウンド付
Number of people: 9 people / Minimum number of people: 6 people
Application deadline: 5pm July 14th, 2025 (Friday). 募集締切2025年7月18日(金)
Air fares and Accommodation. Are NOT included in this package, therefore please make your own air flights and hotel reservation arrangements.
Minimum number of participants is 6 persons. (Max 10 persons) It is a golf training camp which one person or one accompanying person or friends can participate in. The golf camp will commence from 11am on Monday August 18th 2025 at the Katsura GC.
Hotels in use: Please make your own arrangements Return air flights are NOT included, so please make your own arrangements Coaching schedule: Tom Fielding. ※ The coach will be determined according to the number of participants.
Inclusions: What’s included in the course fees. /旅行代金に含まれるもの
Round style specified in the schedule is a walking round with a caddy.
5 rounds accompanied with Coach Tom. Suggestions on On-Course strategy on a hole by hole strategies, including the practical application of the practice sessions during each round.
Lesson fees and golf training program on the practice range including the short course.
Exclusions: What is not included in the course fees. / 旅行代金に含まれないもの
Hotel: Please make your own hotel reservation arrangements.
Transportation from Tokyo to Chitose. (Return airfares are NOT included, so Please make your own travel arrangements from Tokyo to Chitose).
Travel accident insurance fee. (* Please be sure to subscribe before departure).
All meals and food and beverages are not included.
Living expenses for food and non-food service (private spending money).
Expenses / cost of personal consumption, such as a telephone call charges, internet connection and other expenses of personal consumption. I.e. Pro-shop and Hotel merchandise and souvenirs etc.
Cost of personal consumption of goods and services during free time and outside of the stipulated golf camp program. Including costs of golf fees and transport fees outside the stipulated golf camp program
All personal expenses / costs associated with activities outside the golf camp’s program
The passenger cart is optional. The cart fees are not included in the package. If you wish to hire a golf cart, please make a reservation in advance.